Recent Updates

Version 5 pre-release video!
Version 5 pre-release video!

Version 4.0.0 released!
Create your own custom metrics just by changing your metric

Version 3.0.0 released!
We have a dashboard!

Version 2.0.0 released!
PDF of all your graphs!

What synthetic metrics does Management Code Metrics provide?
What synthetics can I make graphs of?

Version 1.0.1 released!
New synthetic, no more debugging console output, and fixed the scientific notation bug

What settings can I tweak in the JSON file?
What settings can I tweak in the JSON file?

How to create and graph synthetic metrics in SonarQube
How to create and graph synthetic metrics in SonarQube

What raw metrics does SonarQube provide?
What can I make graphs of?

Website in progress
Website in progress - thank you for your patience!